Saturday, June 15, 2013

Vegetarian Curry Stir Fry and Coconut Rice

Today as always I was super pumped to get our CSA box.  I love not only knowing I am supporting our local farmers but also getting to know them at Jack-o-latern! I highly suggest if you live in this area check it out.  If your not from our area, check out your local farmers market.  Knowing it was coming I held off on making the curry so I could through any vegetables into this dish!  Which is exactly what I did! 

We had a ear of corn, and about a cup of Cream Crowder Peas left from last weeks CSA box.  I also had 1 medium zucchini, and 3 small squash! It was delicious

Vegetarian Curry Stir Fry

3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
1 medium Zucchini, julienned
3 small Summer Squash, julienned
1 ear of corn, removed from ear
1 onion, chopped
3 Tablespoons Vegan Stir Fry Sauce
1 can lite Cooking coconut milk
2 heaping tablespoons curry paste

1. In a skillet add coconut oil and heat over high heat.  Add chopped veggies  Let veggies cook for 2 minutes.

2. Add Stir Fry Sauce, Stir and cook for about 4 minutes.

3. Add Coconut milk, Curry Paste, and stir.  Turn on low heat and simmer until ready to serve

Coconut Rice

1 boil in bag jasmine rice
3 cups Coconut Milk
1 Cup Water
1 tsp salt

1. Add milk, water, salt, and rice to a medium saucepan.  Bring to a boil and let boil uncovered for 10 minutes...

Have you ever made Flavored rice???  Check back Tuesday to see Tamale Tuesday!

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