Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sauteed Veggies and "buttery" GF Noodles

Ok so I know I haven't blogged lately, and I'm sorry.  I have been so busy, lazy and had one major cooking fail, well sorta...

So my attempt at making tamales was horrendous, well not exactly horrendous the filling was yummy and the dough was great. I just didn't have the necessary tools to make this and I didn't have the patience in reality I should have started working on making the tamales at like 2 instead of after I realized it wasn't going to turn out at well and pretty as I thought I was ready to give up cause I was already hungry.  My dear husband felt the same way, we had bought a Mexican dipping cheese to make some queso....well it didn't melt right....This was our first cooking disaster. So we did the next best thing.....went out for Mexican and just relaxed.

Oh also big news!!!!!!!  We are now owners of Emerils Stainless Steel Copper Pots!  I was so excited! I've been wanting some new pots.  Once again my hubs was sweet while I discussed what type and changed my mind a million times, he let me pick whatever ones I wanted! :)  Thank you honey!!!

The next night we went simple:

Sautéed Veggies and "Buttery GF Noodles

1 zucchini, quartered lengthwise and chopped
4 small summer squash, quartered lengthwise and chopped
1/2 cup unsalted Vegetable Broth
2 clove  garlic, chopped
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 1/3 cup GF Noodles

1. Prep and chop veggies, Heat skillet over medium heat with vegetable broth.  Add onion and garlic. Saute for about 4 minutes.  Then add remaining ingredients.  Let simmer until veggies are tender.

For the pasta I just followed the instructions on the box!  Once cooked I added our butter substitute and poured the veggies on top!

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