Sunday, May 12, 2013

Simple Grilled Steaks topped with Kale and Proscuitto and Broiled Okra

We love a good steak around here so I went to our local butcher (O'Guirre's Butcher Shop) and had 2 6oz filets cut for us.  I wasn't quite sure when we would grill these up. But after careful consideration we decided tonight was a great night to grill, night 3.  Once again my wonderful husband pulled out the grill and got to work on those fillets!

As for the "topping" I topped mine and Edgar just put his on the side (which is perfectly fine). So it is also a side option.  I love the idea of have some greens to top the steak with, I think it would make for a easy but yet fancy look for if you are having friends or family over.  Another option is spinach, Chard, collards or any dark leafy green.  Also another option instead prosciutto would be bacon. We just so happened to have left over prosciutto from when I made Stuffed Chicken, you can see the recipe here.

I also bought some okra while I was at the store and decide I wanted to broil it.  I'm trying to be healthy while still eating yummy food. But unfortunately in my attempt to eat healthier I can't fry the okra up like I would LOVE nothing more to do!  It turned out YUMMY and a little spicy!!!!

Simple Grilled Steaks

2 6oz steak filets

1. Season steaks with salt and pepper.  Grill the steaks on high heat for about 12 minutes, turning once. This will usually give you medium steak.

Kale and Proscuitto Topping

1 bushel Kale
4 slices prosciutto
1 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon thyme

1. Heat up your skillet with 1 teaspoon olive oil. While skillet is heat chop kale.

2. Cook Prosciutto just like you would bacon. Reserving the drippings.  Crumble bacon and set aside.


3. Add chopped Kale, cooking over medium heat for about 4 minutes or until wilted.  Stir in prosciutto, and thyme.


Broiled Okra

2 cups chopped Okra
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
Dried Basil
Dried Oregano
Crushed Red Pepper Flakes

1. Preheat oven to 425.  Chop Okra and put in Ziploc baggie with olive oil, and seasonings.


2. Spread Okra over the cookie sheet


3. Bake for 10 minutes or until crisp







 Here is the plate!
How do you cook your okra?
Check back tomorrow to see how we are celebrating Meatless Monday!!!

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